book 9 pages framed in wood 100 x 70 cm
where: Arti et Amicitiae Rokin 114 Amsterdam
when: Wednesday 21 dec & 4 jan 2023
time: 16:00 - 16:30 H.
- member free entrance
- no member € 3,50

photos: Jeroen Werner opening Friday 16dec 22 19:00 till 22:00 h

advertising pillar (recording in studio)
H401 Herengracht Amsterdam / 2022 May/June
Jaffa orange box 1965, AFFICHE No 01B, briefcase 1983, 4 prints on cardboard, paperclips and sesal rope
presentation H401participation in SEME
for and about EUROPE / participation SEME, H401
Do you feel like a European?, was a question to friends in 2016. Based on this question, a first article was published in the annual ‘Feest der Onafhankelijken’ 2019.
At the invitation of Merapi Obermayer, last April, I wrote a new essay with the “Intellectual Planetary Art Heritage Thought”( I P A H T ).* This is a shortened version.
On the desk of Torill, my daughter, I saw, amongst figurative drawings in relation to fashion, a striking ink drawing: the Netherlands was depicted in refined black tones, the size of an A5 sheet. A beautiful subtle icon. The anomaly between one drawing lying next to the other got bigger the longer I looked. A Netherlands in black; a loaded image, a Netherlands smoked out to black? It seemed pure anarchy. For me it also had a doomsday streak from the 80s, last century. Something negative, yet refined at the same time. The sophistication lay in the diluted ink blots that had been applied with a brush in the right place. Nice to see. A large work of art in a small format. At two meters in size it would also be fantastic while keeping its strength. I can do something with this.
This resulted in the concept of 'making the Netherlands the cradle of the 'Green Heart of Europe', based on the idea: all Europeans feel European. This also means; being and experiencing European is at least equal to or above one's own country feeling. A European sense of brotherhood to nurture planet Earth and give it what it needs, despite all our human differences, conflicts and wars. Take the responsibility not to let this earth stronghold become the victim of our mutual human relations, powers and disputes with the idea of wanting to own this cosmic stronghold. With this I give everyone the space to view the earth differently as a whole, as a stronghold of nature, art and culture with the motivation to preserve it by carefully cherishing this lively stronghold of nature and art.
Based on this Planetary Heritage Idea, the Green Heart of Europe, the former Netherlands, has been interpreted in a number of points. Certainly not watertight, but to get a different idea about Europe going.
• Build the latest windmills, solar panels and take advantage of water hydraulics.
• Do not raise the dikes. Let what is inundated by the Netherlands inundate. The sea border will run roughly from Emmen** via the Utrechtse Heuvelrug to Noord Brabant in the direction of Zeeland. Build the latestnuclear fusion nuclear power plant, on the exact model at Cadarache in Aix-en-Provence (Iter project)***, a research center, which is currently under construction and will heat up in 2032 with the aim of building a second one that can supply energy for all of Europe. This is after the example of the sun: “a sun on earth” as stated on the ITER site.
innovate with just agriculture. All highways will be removed as much as possible than only for 1 to 2 million people who will maintain the Netherlands for the above, but also themanagement of cities, museums, churches, and nature, everything that is left behind. Not everything can be maintained and preserved, no, of course not. Zoetermeer will become a forgotten place, flooded, not conserved and maintained. The city of Emmen gets a lighthouse. Not all villages in Friesland or Groningen need to be preserved. Raise dikes and dunes locally. Store water and turn it into decay energy, instead of hiding humans behind it.
• The core FUSION power station ITER in Cadarache(Fr)** can provide nourishment to the whole of Europe, the wind energy can partly be used locally for preserving what still matters in the Netherlands in legacy. The newest underground magnetic tunnel roads can provide transport from Germany, Belgium, England and Denmark, in which you can shoot under the Netherlands in a few minutes to the right place. And where necessary, a station is erected and people come above ground to visit the Netherlands as a legacy above and below sea level. See what it was, but also what it has become, namely the green state of Europe where all energy comes from. It is a feast to be able to see all this, to be able to visit nature reserves with windmills, solar panels outside. Also spotting animals that have found their home there again. From black-tailed godwit to fox, from toad to wild ox, eel, bear and wolf.
• It will be another exodus but one with a smile on the face, looking towards the universe and that could be over a long period of time. On the one hand, the Dutchman is finally no longer going on vacation, but is looking for his or her destination where he or she has always wanted to be with vacations. One is not driven from a negative point of view as has been the case since time immemorial, no it is now a nice prospect to be allowed to go where you want.
• There is enough energy for arable farming for the rest of Europe. And even in the same areas, arable farming, wind energy and solar panels can be built in combinations in Het Groene Hart. A hybrid use of several products is then completely normal.
The proposed exodus is positively focused on the recovery and good use of this earth. The Dutch people are originally very diverse in nature, will lead the way as a benefactor for Europe, widely appreciated because the Netherlands has been made the number 1 environmental country. From history, we a mixed people have arrived from all corners of the world and have had an existence here through the ages. We can now do that elsewhere as well. A legacy founded by one people, one nation, the New Green Heart of the Netherlands. The Dutch have left the Netherlands with a wonderful history, but with a fantastic future to really feel like a European, for the benefit of a better earth and therefore a better Europe, because that is the starting point in this idea.
• Make the Netherlands a European Heritage. Give all Dutch people roughly three million euros, a legacy with a future. Give all people living in the Netherlands the freedom to live where they want to live in European countries, outside the Netherlands. We have at least 35 years for that to allow Dutch people to move to wherever they want. 17 million new places in old empty buildings, empty villages as often happens by individuals, instead of chasing 17 million people because the one-sided economic model has to be maintained. Trade?
• Roughly half of the Netherlands is flooded. Costs billions to keep this country what it is today. We can save these billions and spend them differently over the years by better equipping and repopulating houses, buildings, villages in other European countries and by providing them with water and electricity. To set up small-scale (farm) businesses with agriculture, bakers, greengrocers and all kinds of small-scale shops, where necessary. No large economic scaled-up companies such as supermarket chains etc.
• Why would you still go on holiday. How old-fashioned is this, how outdated, how a colonial principle is maintained. Frustrated of not being able to go on vacation four times a year but only
three times, to trudge around towns, get yourself burned on beaches and basically loot in excess of locals mono cultured with these overheated tourists. Over the top equipped campsites, all at the expense of nature.
• Go and live in Europe but not in the Netherlands. Leave the Netherlands as an art-historical heritage; one big museum of cities, villages and municipalities with everything there is.
• The legacy of the Dutch to Europe. No more colonial ideas of wanting to have, wanting to possess. Detach yourself from all the matter that surrounds you, your habits, your habitat. Create a new one. Many Dutch people have been doing this for years and have started again elsewhere or would like nothing more, but the Netherlands keeps them on board like frogs because they have to buy things from our president, as he preaches with his party. That is why they all have to be kept sweet with 4x a year on vacation. So abuse of the earth by flying excessively, building holiday parks excessively, resorts, golf courses and other entertainment centers that are outside the experience of nature and animals and therefore have nothing to do with a better earth. What cynicism.
• The New Netherlands will be even greener: no cows, no pigs, no chickens and goats. But green energy farmers are going to manage, maintain and innovate with just agriculture. All highways will be removed as much as
possible than only for 1 to 2 million people who will maintain the Netherlands for the above, but also the management of cities, museums, churches, and nature, everything that is left behind.Not everything can be maintained............

Merapi Obermayer talk about "Europe, a never ending story . . . "
among others were present: Bert Murk, Wim van Sijl, Eva Gonggrijp, Babeth van Loo, Lous America, Martin Uit den Boogaard, Fans Damman
"Alles verandert, niets vergaat" ("Everything changes, nothing perishes")Museum MIJ IJsselstein
t/m 6 march 2022
Het I.P.K.E.G Boek deel 01 / 3 G U T Lehrstuhlen
The IPKEG Book part 01. / 3 GUT Lehrstuhlen

Arti Amicitiae:
* "Kunstenaar uitgelicht"( : artist talk, 25 februari 2022
* aan de Schouw: "Driehoeksverbranding" (Triangle burning) photo on canvas / project from 1982
* Salon till 6 februari 22: "Driehoeksverbranding" 2 prints 100x70 cm